Friday, July 12, 2024

Agenda for Second Regular Denison City Council Meeting

Agenda for Second Regular Denison City Council Meeting


Tuesday, July 16, 2024 R10; 5:00 p.m.
Council Chambers R10; Denison, Iowa

Dial In: (312) 626-6799 Meeting ID: 453 000 9887 Passcode: 2633143

Meeting Link:

1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Roll Call R10; Curnyn, Granzen, Logan, Miller, Zupp-Smith
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Motion to Approve Agenda
5. Motion to Approve Consent Agenda
a) approve and waive the reading of the minutes for June 25, 2024 special meeting and July 2, 2024 regular
b) approve the bills as presented
c) approve liquor licenses for: Tienda El Mexicano, Tri City BBQ Fest
d) approve pay application #2 for King Construction for 13th Avenue South Storm Sewer Replacement, in
the amount of $39,406.00
e) Resolution approving Transfer of Funds – Various
6. Citizen Input – limit 5 minutes
7. Tourism Report
8. Arts and Health Day Proclamation
9. Update on Bell Log Cabin
10. Update on Donna Reed Foundation
11. Discussion and Possible Motion to approve the bid for Wall Quotes for the Generator Pad
12. Motion to approve the bid from Phil’s Lawn, Landscaping & Nursery for Christmas Lights install/removal,
in the amount of $6,650.00
13. Motion to approve the bid for the Boulders AC unit
14. Motion to approve the Services Agreement with Western Iowa Networks for the Denison Municipal Airport
15. Motion to approve the proposal from Certified Testing Service Inc for Site Grading for the Crawford
County Wellness Center, not to exceed $13,500.00
16. Motion to approve the proposal from Certified Testing Service Inc for Construction Materials Testing for
the Crawford County Wellness Center, not to exceed $22,500.00
17. Motion to allow the Mayor to sign the Form SF-425 Federal Financial Report for project 3-19-0026-020-
2024 AIP and sponsor certification forms

18. Motion to allow the Mayor to sign the Form SF-425 Federal Financial Report for project 3-19-0026-021-
2024 BIL-AIP and sponsor certification forms
19. Mayor Report
20. City Manager Report
21. Adjournment
If accommodation is needed, please contact City Hall within 48 hours prior to the City Council meeting.

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Johnson Propane
Blackbird Bend Casino Onawa Iowa
712 Digital Group, KDSN Radio, Digital Marketing, Digital Advertising
Manning Regional Healthcare Center
Crawford County Memorial Hospital
Vision Care Clinic
712 Digital Group, KDSN Radio, Digital Marketing, Digital Advertising
Manning Regional Healthcare Center
Crawford County Memorial Hospital