Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Joni Ernst, Randy Feenstra to appear in Denison tomorrow

Iowa's Incumbent U.S. Senate candidate, Joni Ernst, will be stopping by the Crawford County Republican Headquarters tomorrow at 5:45 p.m. The doors will open at 5:15 p.m., and Crawford County Republican Acting Chair, Alran Ecklund states that the public is welcome to the headquarters at 31 S. Main in Denison, to hear Ernst speak. Also in attendance will be the Republican candidate for Iowa's Fourth Congressional District, Randy Feenstra. The event will adhere to CDC guildelines. Ernst, who is from Red Oak, is running against Democratic challenger Theresa Greenfield, who was scheduled to make stops in Storm Lake and Carroll today. Greenfield's tour was put on hold due to contract tracing after members of her campaign came in close contact with COVID19. Her tour will resume when it is indefinitely safe to do so.

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