Johnson Propane


Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Crawford County Shooting Sports Closes out the year

    Included in this email is a picture that was taken recently during our 2023 Awards Night Celebration at the Crawford County Shooting Sports range. In the center of the picture is a replacement trap thrower that was acquired through donations received by the Crawford County Chapter of Pheasants Forever and the Community Foundations of Southwest Iowa. Additional donations to the team this year that aided in this purchase were received from the Denison Rotary Club and from Farmers Mutual Insurance of Schleswig. The trap thrower that was purchased is from the same manufacturer of our original three machines. This new machine replaced a trap thrower that was original to the facility and is now over ten years old. By receiving this new thrower we were able to remove one of the three original trap throwers from service without causing any disruption to the team through either reduced practices or ability to hold home conference meets. The trap thrower that was removed from service can now be rebuilt with upgraded and newer technology and then be placed back into service. This rebuild cycle will continue until all three trap houses have been rebuilt and upgraded, at which time the team will then have a spare machine available in the instance of a breakdown during the season.


                The Crawford County Shooting Sports team consisted of 67 members for the 2023 season, with close to 180 students competing during the home conference meets. While the range has done a superb job of maintaining the machines we currently utilize, the reality is that these machines are all over ten years old. Replacement components with newer technologies were warranted, so the receipt of this new trap thrower will aid in solidifying uptime of these machines during meets and practices for years to come.


                The Crawford County Shooting Sports family sends a huge “thank you” to the donors that made this all happen, along with everyone that assisted our team members out by purchasing raffle tickets during this past 2023 season. The Crawford County Chapter of Pheasants Forever and the Community Foundations of Southwest Iowa really stepped up to make this happen with their donations going straight into this purchase. The Denison Rotary Club, FMI Schleswig, and everyone that purchased a raffle ticket assisted in offsetting some of the annual costs of operating the team so that these additional funds could be applied directly towards this purchase. From the coaches, parents, and students a huge “Thank You” is given to all those that helped solidify the future of this sport and of our team!


Mike Schrum

Head Coach, Crawford County Shooting Sports

(712) 269-8861


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