Denim & Diamonds Father Daughter Dance
Saturday, April 5th
From 3-5 pm
At the Arcadia Legion Hall
The Grand March is open to the public for a $1 donation and will begin at 2:30 pm with doors opening at 2:00 pm.
Entrance fee for the father/daughter couple is $25 and $10 for each additional daughter.
Cookies and juice will be provided for the event!
Click Here for printable registration form
If you are unable to obtain a form or register by March 29th, please e-mail Ashten Pottebaum at for a copy.
Dirt Road Designs with Kenzie Podey will be available before the event for a quick photo if you wish to! A digital copy will be emailed to you (make sure the dad's know the correct email address)
Registration forms are due by March 29th and can be mailed to the following: Ashten Pottebaum 709 Clara Ave. Arcadia, IA 51430
Checks can be made payable to The Arcadia Community Club.
All proceeds will be made to upcoming projects in the Arcadia Community!
Thank-you to all for the support and contributions to fund this event!
*Father/Daughter couples can be fathers, uncles, brothers, friends, etc!